Thursday, 14 November 2013

Words vs Actions…

Words vs Actions…

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts."

There is one thing I am absolutely sure of, yet so often forget… What people do and say are not always aligned with each other.

A sad state of affairs I think.

How often do we find ourselves in situations where a loved one claims to love you, and we forget to look at their actions because we so badly need to be told we are loved… We so badly need to be accepted, need to be held, need to not be alone that we sacrifice ourselves for the words of others, instead of recognising what we deserve through the actions of the people that care about us?

Promises are simply empty words when not coupled with action, a promise of forever between a husband and wife is rendered useless when one or both decide to walk away because things haven’t turned out quite the way they planned.

A promise of “you’re all I’ll ever want” rendered meaningless the moment infidelity rears it’s ugly head.

Throughout our entire lives we are met with these moments, broken promises, realisations that leave you lying broken, shivering and shaking on a cold, hard, lifeless floor somewhere in the pit of your soul… Those moments that threaten to rip away all of your belief in humanity, all of your belief in yourself, the moment when the belief that you are undeserving of love starts to creep in. We all know these moments, we’ve all shared in each other’s pain, we’ve all spent time seeking solace in order to lick these wounds.

My question is this, when do we stop accepting anything less than the greatest? When do we start believing that we deserve more than we’ve let ourselves have…

Life is a mirror, if you believe deep down inside that you don’t deserve to be adored, and I mean properly adored, like a fairytale kind of love where someone will fight tooth and nail for you and do everything in their power to protect you from harm of any sorts, then you will never receive it, you will spend your entire life trusting people on the words instead of their actions, because you so desperately want it to be true…

I dare you to be alone! I dare you to be brave enough to learn to love who you are, exactly as you are, learn to love every single flaw you possess, every single bit of darkness is a blessing, every flaw that your past partners haven’t been able to accept, they are perfect for the one that is meant to love you. You will find him/her when you start doing what you love, start loving who you are and what you do… Be brave enough to stand up for yourself and say “No thank you, because I deserve someone who will prove their love to me, not simply say it”…

Love is an absolute battlefield, whether you are on your own, or in a relationship, it is always going to be hard work, and there will always be problems. I’m not saying find a perfect person, because they don’t exist, and people are going to hurt you because we all make mistakes, what I’m saying is don’t settle for someone who only loves you through words, find someone who loves you through actions, and when those mistakes are made they don’t simply say “I’m so sorry”, but they actually make amends, are prepared to make it right, because that is what you deserve my fellow humans.

You deserve nothing less than the greatest possible love, learn to give that to yourself, and then never settle for anything less than what you truly deserve.

Go Be Happy! Much love freaks…