Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Simply.... The One...

Once in a life time you find them, and when you do, you just know…

“To lose balance sometimes for love, is part of living a balanced life”

I lay my head to rest upon the broken shards of glass that is my wonderous existence. 

Mesmerized by the refracting light, other worldly colours dancing in the darkness, distracted by searing pain, pieces edging closer and closer to my ever flailing heart, there is no staying, there is no escape.

Left lying in limbo, on the precipice of something truly magical, the edge of darkness, the edge of glory, unseen, unheard and unspoken, there she stands…. In my dreams is where I come to be, the unlimited potential that is my unconscious mind is where I dare to be free, dare to dance towards the light, dare to leave the comfort of pain behind…

How glorious she is, how far beyond comprehension she stands, as if birthed by the star Sirius itself, brighter than all else in this blackened sky…

How can one mere mortal impact a soul so deeply, to the very core of me there is nothing to see but her wonder, her beauty, her bewildering existence, beyond consumed, beyond irrevocable, unequivocal the closest description, there are no words that could adequately describe the hold she has over my soul.

This other worldly being who’s beauty transcends the natural order of this begrudged society, this forgotten universe brought to the surface through the wonders witnessed in her eyes, there is no possibility of comprehension, there is no understanding the depths of her soul, where hers ends is the beginning of my own, the start of my own magnanimous journey on this planet… Her hand in mine…

Gently she whispers, “come hither” she says, all fear and worry utterly abandoned, stepping out through the darkness in this shadowy world, into her ubiquitous presence, all consuming, all encompassing, entirely mine…

There are moments in her eyes where all that exists seems to fade into the shadows, time appears to stand still, losing all depth, all movement, all change. These are the moments I live for, to be utterly consumed by her is a gift unlike any other, never again shall there be another, my soul is hers, for this life time and the many more to follow.

Should we ever let slip our intertwined souls, should she ever fall into darkness and be seemingly lost, in this world or the thousands thereafter, I shall trudge to the most treacherous of depths, through the darkest of darkness, to the pit of hell itself, to find where she may lie and lay my head down beside her… Forever… Though she be lost, together we will be found…

Monday, 28 October 2013

Here, There, Everywhere… Where Is My Mind?

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” – William Shakespeare

In truth, it shouldn’t even be a question, right? Yes, I understand that in this soliloquy it seems that the question being put forward and subsequently answered, although extremely vaguely, is “why should one live?”, which isn’t the way I have interpreted it in my writing today…

It is quite possible, in my opinion, for one to exist without “being”, be present on this planet without actually living. Simply going through the motions, remaining numb to everyone and everything, suffering silent types who seem to huddle together in the background, or lurk silently in the shadows, not aware that the more they suffer, the more they choose to simply exist, the more alone they will feel, the more their souls die a little bit inside, every day, every waking moment.

Yes, this is how I interpret the phrase, more along the lines of another wonderful philosopher, Yoda, “Do or do not, there is no try”…

In the end, I find my biggest hindrance to be my mind, the only thing capable of preventing me from reaching my destiny, the only force able to stop me conquering the world is my own personal perception or acceptance of what I can and can’t do.

It is my greatest servant and at the very same time my greatest adversary, everything that I am destined to be, all that I am capable of becoming rests solely on my body and mind aligning and my mind’s belief that I can accomplish what I dream. There is nothing rewarding about playing it safe and allowing yourself to be let down by your own insecurities…

Wouldn’t you rather live in a world where people chose to do what they loved instead of sit behind a desk and live a monotonous existence, simply because it’s “safe”?

John Green said – “What’s the point in living if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”, and that is one of the truest statements I have ever had the privilege of coming across…

We’re living in a society where we're taught from a young age not to think for ourselves, to listen to everyone else, we are taught that things should be done in a specific way, and if you deviate from that course then you are wrong and you are punished. We are brought up in a system that instills fear in us from before we even recognise the choice not to accept that way of life, there is a hierarchy that you must conform to, we are told to respect our elders, regardless of their actions, we are told things like “I’m the adult, so you’ll listen to what I say”, when in actual fact all that is being said is regurgitated garbage that has been spewed down through generations and generations of closed minded individuals who are to concerned with other’s opinion of them to actually decide to break the mold and speak out.

Our generation now has a natural hunger for rebellion, we are asking more questions, choosing life more often, choosing to be free instead of confined to a box that no longer suits us… We are the generation of the brave ones, the generation that are slowly letting go of the fear of asking why!

This is my pledge to myself, and a pledge to the rest of humanity, for multiple reasons, but mainly because this is what we deserve, this is the point of being here, to start a revolution of the mind, start a revolution of the planet. Instead of killing myself doing something that doesn’t serve the world, something that doesn’t light up my soul, something that epitomizes the idea of the rat race and how we’re all simply doomed to be stuck in this hamster cage, going round and round on the same wheel expecting it to suddenly change and hurl us in a different direction, I am going to get off the wheel, I am going to attempt to gnaw through the bars, or climb through the hole in the roof, and I’m going to find what I love and do that, I am going to be a part of the solution for this planet, for the people living on it and for the people simply existing within the confines of their own minds, if we all decided that things didn’t have to be this way, if we realised we had more power than we think we do, that’s when we’d be in the perfect position to change the world…

Be crazy enough to think you can change the world, and be brave enough to actually try!
Go Be Happy… Much Love Freaks…

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Not the droids you were looking for?

“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone” – Joni Mitchell

As we trudge our road to happy destiny, wandering through these insatiable pitfalls in life, we embark on many a romantic venture, some more than others, some with a lot more vigour than others, but nonetheless, we all have romantic encounters. We all choose to give, and sometimes leave, parts of our souls with another human being, all in the name of being loved, the innate need and want to be adored, to be treasured, to be loved unconditionally…

One recurring theme we all seem to struggle with, except maybe a select few, is “the one that got away”.

Many of us have been through many different types of relationships, abusive relationships, relationships filled with neglect, one where you love more than you are loved, relationships where great sex is the only glue holding you together… Through all of these experiences we learn a little bit more about ourselves, and we start to realise how we draw the wrong types of people to us and push the right kind of people away, we start to open up to the idea that we deserve better, we actively look for that one that will treat us as such, and inevitably we end up getting involved with someone who by all accounts is perfect for us.

When this falls apart, or when we “screw” it up, is when the real wallowing begins, oh poor me syndrome starts to kick in like a bad case of the blues, you listen to the saddest music known to man, ominous sounds bellowing from the speakers, egging you on, your little shoulder based devil gently coaxing you into a pit of depression, “it’s okay young one, come into the darkness, come lie with me, you deserve it… wallow my child”… and so we do…

Well, guess what folks… As a close friend of mine so very often says, “Just feel it”, if you’re sad then be sad, if you’re mad then be mad, if you need to wallow for a bit, then wallow and stop trying to convince yourself you should be fine… Most of us have that one person that will haunt us, those “what if” moments linger a little longer, hurt a little deeper.

What we fail to acknowledge or recognise is that those people, those lost but never forgotten “soul mates”, may have caused the most pain and left the biggest hole, but they also woke us up, they gave us more of a reason to change and grow, they taught us what they were meant to teach us, they taught us how to love, and how to do it properly…

The truth is an old cliché–“If it’s meant to be, it will be”, or one of my favourites by Oscar Wilde – “Things are what they are and will be what they will be”… In the end, if you were meant to be with the one that got away, well, you would be with them.

If you’re holding on to what that person represents, or what you think that person should be, you’re neglecting the lesson they came to teach you, and you are doomed to repeat it, by holding on to them you are passing up every other opportunity coming your way.

I’ll leave you with another one of my short poems written specifically for this post!

“I lost my love, I lost my heart, I thought I lost my life
she came, she left and all to stay was bitterness and strife

I trembled then for days on end, I wallowed in despair,
cradling a broken self, the darkness left me bare

I pondered long on all the times I thought were naught to come,
through ghastly fear and searing pain, the sun hath finally shone,

she was my love, she was my heart, my life she'd never be,
she came, she left and all to stay was nothing but a dream”

Go be happy! Much love freaks…

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Who are you?

Oh if you could see your beauty, if I could spend but a moment in your eyes

An unrequited love

A never ending yearning

The haunting of your words burn through me like acid rain on a solitary winters morning.

I cannot sleep, I cannot dream, I cannot move, there is nothing but your eyes, windows to a seemingly forgotten world, A faint memory of a life lived long before…

I look at you and all wonders seen before pale in any attempt of comparison, if believing in magic was a prerequisite for life, my beginning would be now, bound to majesty never before witnessed…

You are my heart, my life, my home

Your words could lay rest the most wicked of souls
Your beauty launch ships more than history has told,
In the eye of the beholder, I am yours just the same,
All of me is yours but to claim…

Mere moments are frozen in time, unable to move, hindered by this space/time continuum, everything within you, everything that is you, is pure, unadulterated perfection…

Monday, 21 October 2013

Are You Unique Or Are You Simply A Sheep?

“Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I’ve ever known” – Chuck Palahniuk

Hmmmmm… Now that’s a pretty penny to ponder upon, and that was some solid alliteration if I do say so myself!

A friend of mine sent me an image with the above mentioned quote and it made me think about everything and everyone that has had an impact on my life… Am I a combined product of what they portrayed, have a plagiarised parts of people’s personas simply to exist with a little more fluidity on this planet…

I think the truth is yes, and no, with a little bit of maybe thrown in there… We all develop “survival” techniques throughout life, and a lot of that is realising when someone portrays something that others seem to be drawn to and learning how to portray something similar.
I remember watching it happen at school, we all tend to gravitate towards like minded people, we develop cliques because we need to feel comfortable, within those cliques we start using the same colloquialism, we start making the same jokes, dressing the same, liking the same music, and so it goes on… The Sportsman hang around with the sportsman, the smart with the smart, the socially awkward with their kith and kin…

The most fascinating for me was to watch the Nomads, the guys who seemed to effortlessly fit into any group they chose to join, they could be stoners, and you’d find them sitting in a dark corner or at the furthest end of the field talking in a language seemingly only understood by the inebriated minds you see before you, then suddenly you’d find them (or in most cases one) being asked to join the math or debate club, where the language was far more eloquent, far more pretentious than in any other section, or that nomad would be found at the top of one of the sports teams… Those were the people I looked up to, and the reason I did was because they had this game waxed, adapt and survive, survival of the fittest and all of that jazz… It became apparent to me quite early on that, because we are all essentially different, people handle situations in a variety of ways, some better than others, and if I was to get the best out of my youth and subsequent situations it was imperative that I be aware of these different reactions and learn how to adapt accordingly. In a situation where eloquence was required to get the best result, then I would need to be eloquent, in a situation where aggression was required then I would need to learn how to be aggressive, and so on and so forth…

Manipulation of the elements, which in this case is human behaviour, isn’t a bad thing. We put such a negative connotation onto the idea of manipulation, despite the fact that we manipulate things constantly on a day to day basis, not causing harm but rather aiding ourselves… We manipulate a cigarette by ashing, manipulate a chair by moving it into a more comfortable position, we talk to someone in a more respectful tone in order to get them to listen to us, these are all manipulations that aid us without harming another being.
Although this comment by Chuck is rather ambiguous in nature, I think that he may be eluding to this fact: on a daily basis we encounter people who change our lives based on the way that they act, we adapt accordingly, which is human nature.

So, yes you may be the combined effort of everyone you have ever met, and while that may make you “unoriginal”, it simultaneously makes you completely original, utterly unique in your own right, for none of us encounter the exact same people throughout our lives, none of us are the combination of precisely the same people, and not a single one of us on this planet reacts exactly the same way, in every way, as another being… Revel in that fact, stop trying to be “normal’, stop questioning the way you behave, the way you think, the way you are perceived. If someone thinks you’re weird, well, say thank you, because you are weird! You’re meant to be different, you’re meant to think differently, because the way you’ve learnt to adapt is different to everyone else’s.

Deep down inside there is hole in your soul, deep down inside there is a missing piece of heaven you are so desperately meant to see, hear, taste and experience, and everything you have learnt so far, everything you have experienced is designed to help you in that journey.

The best way to find yourself is to get completely and utterly lost! There is nothing more beautiful that a wandering soul, there is nothing more exciting than a person who has no idea where they’re going or where they want to go, what a beautifully perfect place to start discovering your place in this world? If you never experience what you don’t want to do, how will you ever find what you are meant to be…

Use your ability to plagiarise people’s characters, use your understanding of people’s behaviours to learn and adapt and manipulate things to help you get where you need to be, we are all part of each other’s journey, everything done, said and felt is designed to teach those we come across and those we come across are designed to teach us, help us grow and change according to our purpose.

Become what you were meant to be!

Go Be Happy!! Much love freaks…

Thursday, 17 October 2013

As She Dances Among the Stars...

There will always be a series of defining moments in your life, we all have them, those major or minor events/incidents that undoubtedly shape our future, through decisions in those moments we are moulded into the beings we are later to become.

One of the most defining of these events is death, from the moment you first experience death as a child something changes deep within, you start to question your mortal soul, the very instant you realise your time on this planet is limited is where everything starts to change.

If only we were equipped at a young age to deal with these occurrences, if only we were taught that these events were going to happen and that we would need to make conscious decisions regarding them, maybe life would be a bit different...

Today marks the tenth anniversary of one of these events, ten years ago today an angel was snatched away from us, millenia before her time.

She was one of the most beautiful creatures ever placed on this planet, both inside and out... A gifted dancer, loving friend, worthy adversary in all departments, she would never shy away from an argument, but always had the ability to voice opinions or subtle corrections without making one feel inferior.

She loved music and dance, introduced me to God as i now understand him/her today, introduced me to the lyrical genius that is eminem, introduced me to the possibility of love being something healing as opposed to destructive.

Yes, this was the first girl I ever loved, though she never knew... Also, I wouldn't dare to claim to be the only boy to feel this way, wherever she wandered, infatuation was sure to follow...

I could spend the rest of the day and subsequent days/weeks/months to follow writing about how spectacular this woman was, and everything said would pale in comparison to the impact that she had on so many lives.

My point is that we all lose people who are important to us, we lose connections, we lose fantasies, we lose loved ones... Nothing can prepare you for those losses, nothing can guide you through the choices you make in those times of despair... All that I ask of you is be kind to yourself, recognise that feelings are not promises, lingering glances are not moments set in stone, relationships come and go because they are designed to teach us, they are there to help us become who we were meant to be...

I made conscious decisions to self destruct following her passing, I decided that love was a thing of pain, that people only came into your life to hurt you, and that the only way to survive was through escapism, in any way, shape or form... Chemical dependency became a thief in the night, but I welcomed the thief, fully aware of all the damage being caused and I reveled in it...

It took 7 years for me to look back and realise the lessons that had been brought my way, the utter joy that she had brought to my life, the promises seen in her ways, the gift it was to see her dance, and how losing her cemented so many friendships, ones that could not be lost regardless of space and time separation. If i had been aware of the meaning of relationships back then, maybe I could have saved myself years of heartache, although I don't regret these choices, as mentioned before, everything happens for a reason and without those experiences I may not have become the man I am today. There is no point in wondering what could have been, I am what I am because I've dealt with what I've dealt... Perhaps the reason I went through these realisations was so that one day I could share my experience and hopefully aid someone in a better decision making process, perhaps it was simply to be able to remember who I am and where I came from...

Treasure the people you have in your life... If you choose to love someone, love them for exactly who they are, not the picture of them you see in your head, not the person you dream of them becoming... Understand that kisses and gazes, love making and praises, all that comes with being enamoured is not always forever, trust that your soul knows what it needs... Life is a classroom dear people, relationships are but a teacher, too often we choose to forgo the lessons brought to us through our loved ones, we forget that it is a momentary lesson and we try to confine those we care about to a prison within our world. If something or someone no longer aids you, if you no longer have anything left to learn from them, love them enough to let them go, you deserve peace as much as they do...

We are all spiritual beings simply having a human experience, love as epically as you can, love everyone and everything, let your guard down, let the light shine in, lay waste to judgment and choose to get to know people instead of judging them by their covers, or lack thereof... Love is the greatest teacher, love is the reason we are here...

Go Be Happy!! Much love freaks...

May you rest in peace dearest angel, may you always be dancing among the stars... Thank you...

"Ima Be What I Set Out to Be, Without a Doubt, Undoubtedly" - Eminem

I found this image on a friend's Facebook profile and it struck a chord with me...

How often do we feign passion for something that is of no consequence?

How often do we fight for things to the detriment of our own hearts...

We lose ourselves because we're trying to hold onto something that doesn't deserve us...

Why resign ourselves to the fact that only few people ever reach their dreams, only a select few get to experience the utter joy that comes with living their life's purpose... I call "Bullshit"... Yes, you heard me/read me, bullshit...

We're living in the most exciting times, everything is changing, non-conformists cropping up all over the place, challenging the way we see the world, challenging the life we live, allowing us the possibility of peaking behind the veil...

Only by living on the outskirts of man made boxes are we able to see the possibilities that exist beyond the confines of our mind... Imagination, throwing caution to the wind, is our greatest ally... How can we expect to change the world if we see nothing wrong with it?:)

There is not a single soul on this planet that has more potential than you have to reach your dreams, there is no one more deserving than you to live the life you were meant to live... The difference between you and the people who are living their dream is that somewhere along the line they listened to similar advice to this, they decided to listen to their hearts and realise that in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think, as long as you're happy at the end of the day...

Some people cannot see beyond the limitations of "conformity", beyond the limitations of man made rules... The reason they refuse to see outside of their boxes is because of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of judgment... I think everyone deep down inside has a longing to break free... Most people are so utterly convinced by the way of the world that they are too scared to abandon those thoughts and ideas in pursuit of their truth...

While you stand here, as you stare fear in the face, as you contemplate all of the possibilities, all that could go wrong should you choose to follow your heart, think of this...

If you fear failure, like most of us do - wouldn't you rather risk failure in the pursuit of what you love? The risk of failure is always going to be there, no matter what steps you take to ensure success, life has a way of upsetting our plans... You are more likely to succeed in the life you were meant to live than in the world you've simply settled to stay in...

If you fear the unknown - look at every aspect of your life, everything that has gone right or wrong in your own opinion, how much of your life has been completely predictable? How many times has something happened that brought to light the fact that there are no guarantees? Hold on to that, accept the fact that you have no control, you do not know what life is going to throw at you, you only have the ability to choose resilience, or flight... There's tremendous freedom in knowing you have nothing to lose...

If you fear judgment - My initial thought is "Fuck 'em", but I will endeavour to be more eloquent than that... In what world, what lifetime, what ultimate universe is it acceptable for one being to judge another based on their own limited understandings and perceptions... We have different truths, different passions, different loves and above all else, every single one of us sees the world in a completely different light... People judge because they are afraid to take the risk themselves, they choose to lay blame and point out faults in your plan in order to placate their own souls inner turmoil...

Fear is one of our greatest inner demons, at least it has been mine... The greatest truth i've realised regarding this benevolent monster is this, Fear only gets the better of us when we're not aware of it... It's a silent killer, a bully lurking in the background, if you're able to see it coming, try and not deny it's existence but rather acknowledge it's presence, all the power fear has is stripped away...

Ultimately, you are created in a divine image... as Albert Einstein said - "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Stop judging yourself by your ability to climb the proverbial tree, stop believing that you are not good enough because you don't fit in any of the existing boxes, create your own box, find your inner genius and go and be that...

Go and be happy... Much love freaks...

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

For the one who holds my soul...

"As I lie here in wait, praying that slumber would take me in it’s sweet embrace, slowly wrap me in a blanket of warmth and comfort me with an unencumbered silence, my mind is consumed by thoughts of you. The beauty you possess is unrivalled in this shadow of a human world we dwell in.

I am breathless, my mind incapable, body unwilling. Endless thoughts flow through my mind, uninterrupted, uncontrollable… I’m naked and exposed on this cold, hard cliff edge we call life, on your side there’s a possibility of hope, pursuit the only guarantee, pain inevitable, prize elusive.

Scared and alone, thoughts of you linger in my mind… How is it possible for a simple picture to touch my soul, a brief conversation set fire to the very essence of me… Every moment, every step, every breath, from the tip of my tongue to the depths of my depth, how can I long for what I haven’t yet met?

Something inside me belongs to you, your other worldly eyes pierce through to the deepest, darkest parts of my being, brief conversations stay with me for an inconceivable amount of time, the intensity with which I miss you is so much so that it makes the mere words sound unspeakably lame… I wish you were here, or I was there, no expectations, no promises, simply to feel your presence… Is this a self built fantasy, is this but my over active imagination creating it’s own world again, one where fiction is so much more than reality? I want to know, if there’s disappointment to be felt, rejection to be dealt, I want to be there to see it’s rise or fall…

You’re with me wherever I go, I treasure your mind, your words, your soul. The moment you leave, I’m haunted by yet another road not taken, another word not said, another moment I wish I had revelled in…"

The moment I first realised that I was made for a different world, or at least made to experience as many facets of this world that I could, was a brief 7 week trip to India that very nearly killed me...

I was not prepared for the pollution, for the heat, for the smell, nothing I had read, seen or been told could have prepared me for my first over seas trip... I was ultimately fascinated by the culture, enthralled by the people and their way of life, the complete lack of awareness of the idea of personal space, or the idea that one could offend another simply by being late...

I was captivated by the people, I was let down by my body's ability to stay healthy. I needed to breathe, and that required too much medication in such a polluted city.

Nevertheless, I left with a heavy heart... Despite the apparent allure of studying something worthwhile, having a good job, meeting the girl of your dreams, getting married, having 2.5 kids and living behind a white picket fence, for some reason none of that appealed to me, nothing about it made any sense to me...

Life has always consisted of a multitude of questions for me, if something "should" be done a certain way, my mind will always enquire as to why it cannot be done another way...

Let me introduce you to my first inner demon, so to speak... This is the inner battle between conforming and being free...

C.S Lewis said, "If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world"... If I happen to be made for another world, but yet I find myself tied to this planet, the only way out I can see is to pave my own world through this shadowed existence.

I will find the girl of my dreams, but i'll find her in a gyspy outfit, camped out by the river singing lullabyes to children and strumming a Gibson...

I will study something worthwhile, because I want the knowledge, neuroscience, so that people make more and less sense to me the deeper i delve into it...

I will support my family, but there won't be a picket fence... There will be mountains of knowledge shared, education given and absolute freedom of choice... Should their lives lead to conformity, I will happily oblige them, but I will allow them the freedom to be swayed by inner turmoil, not outer governance...

Allowing others to make our decisions for us is so often our downfall, leading us into lives of addiction and escapism because our road to happy destiny is so very elusive... We choose not to hear the cry of our inner voices, we choose instead to listen to the judgment of closed minded others, we choose not to be governed by love, but rather to be led astray by the ever daunting foe we know only as Fear. In the end, it's as simple as this, the only way to be happy is to find what makes you happy and make that your life. Forget about the shoulda, coulda, woulda people out there, forget about the ones that try and convince you that you're making a mistake purely because they wish they were brave enough to do what you're venturing to do...

For all we know we have one shot at this life, I dare you to make something of yourself, I dare you to be different, I dare you to let your freak flag fly, simply because you were not put on this earth to be anything other than the beautiful heart you are, if God/The Universe/Bruce Almighty wanted us to all be the same, well, we'd have a lot of simple minded, boring folk running around and never really get anywhere new. You are who you are, now go and be who you were meant to be... At the end of the day, when you reach that final moment, nobody else is going to answer for your life, nobody else's input is going to matter, the only thing that's going to mean a damn thing is if you can look back with no regrets and go "Fuck yeah, I made it home..."

Go be happy... Much love freaks...

This is the start of my blogging expedition, the discovery of my demons, the understanding of life and love and how somehow we are all intertwined and connected with each other...

I am a non-conformist living in a conformist society, I am bound by certain responsibilities at this point in time, but I long to break free from the mold, to travel, to experience other cultures, to gain a

better understanding of the inner workings of the human mind, through various cultures and ways of life...

This blog will contain pieces of writing, declarations of love, some for people unknown, and some for the one that owns my soul... My experiences, my trials and tribulations, my loss and my gains, have all been a part of this self discovery...

The devil you know is better than the devil you don't... So i have endeavoured to get to know the devil within, the demons that haunt me are slowly becoming friends, soon they will be treasured...

Too often we judge ourselves according to what is "right" and "wrong" by society's standards... What if they're the ones that are wrong? I am a firm believer in the fact that guilt is a wasted emotion, should you find yourself doing something "wrong" as is indicated by your internal moral compass, choose to accept that it is a life lesson, make your amends, and move on...

Everything that happens, everything that we do or have done, is all for a divine purpose... All in the name of self discovery.

I have searched my entire life for something greater than myself, something outside of me that could make me whole... In the end, all that was required was silence, all i needed to do was listen to that voice within telling me where I was meant to go, what I was meant to be doing...

This is it folks, this is the breaking away from a mold, this is being crazy enough to think I can change the world, one small little act of kindness at a time.