Monday, 28 October 2013

Here, There, Everywhere… Where Is My Mind?

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” – William Shakespeare

In truth, it shouldn’t even be a question, right? Yes, I understand that in this soliloquy it seems that the question being put forward and subsequently answered, although extremely vaguely, is “why should one live?”, which isn’t the way I have interpreted it in my writing today…

It is quite possible, in my opinion, for one to exist without “being”, be present on this planet without actually living. Simply going through the motions, remaining numb to everyone and everything, suffering silent types who seem to huddle together in the background, or lurk silently in the shadows, not aware that the more they suffer, the more they choose to simply exist, the more alone they will feel, the more their souls die a little bit inside, every day, every waking moment.

Yes, this is how I interpret the phrase, more along the lines of another wonderful philosopher, Yoda, “Do or do not, there is no try”…

In the end, I find my biggest hindrance to be my mind, the only thing capable of preventing me from reaching my destiny, the only force able to stop me conquering the world is my own personal perception or acceptance of what I can and can’t do.

It is my greatest servant and at the very same time my greatest adversary, everything that I am destined to be, all that I am capable of becoming rests solely on my body and mind aligning and my mind’s belief that I can accomplish what I dream. There is nothing rewarding about playing it safe and allowing yourself to be let down by your own insecurities…

Wouldn’t you rather live in a world where people chose to do what they loved instead of sit behind a desk and live a monotonous existence, simply because it’s “safe”?

John Green said – “What’s the point in living if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”, and that is one of the truest statements I have ever had the privilege of coming across…

We’re living in a society where we're taught from a young age not to think for ourselves, to listen to everyone else, we are taught that things should be done in a specific way, and if you deviate from that course then you are wrong and you are punished. We are brought up in a system that instills fear in us from before we even recognise the choice not to accept that way of life, there is a hierarchy that you must conform to, we are told to respect our elders, regardless of their actions, we are told things like “I’m the adult, so you’ll listen to what I say”, when in actual fact all that is being said is regurgitated garbage that has been spewed down through generations and generations of closed minded individuals who are to concerned with other’s opinion of them to actually decide to break the mold and speak out.

Our generation now has a natural hunger for rebellion, we are asking more questions, choosing life more often, choosing to be free instead of confined to a box that no longer suits us… We are the generation of the brave ones, the generation that are slowly letting go of the fear of asking why!

This is my pledge to myself, and a pledge to the rest of humanity, for multiple reasons, but mainly because this is what we deserve, this is the point of being here, to start a revolution of the mind, start a revolution of the planet. Instead of killing myself doing something that doesn’t serve the world, something that doesn’t light up my soul, something that epitomizes the idea of the rat race and how we’re all simply doomed to be stuck in this hamster cage, going round and round on the same wheel expecting it to suddenly change and hurl us in a different direction, I am going to get off the wheel, I am going to attempt to gnaw through the bars, or climb through the hole in the roof, and I’m going to find what I love and do that, I am going to be a part of the solution for this planet, for the people living on it and for the people simply existing within the confines of their own minds, if we all decided that things didn’t have to be this way, if we realised we had more power than we think we do, that’s when we’d be in the perfect position to change the world…

Be crazy enough to think you can change the world, and be brave enough to actually try!
Go Be Happy… Much Love Freaks…

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