"Ima Be What I Set Out to Be, Without a Doubt, Undoubtedly" - Eminem
How often do we feign passion for something that is of no consequence?
How often do we fight for things to the detriment of our own hearts...
We lose ourselves because we're trying to hold onto something that doesn't deserve us...
Why resign ourselves to the fact that only few people ever reach their dreams, only a select few get to experience the utter joy that comes with living their life's purpose... I call "Bullshit"... Yes, you heard me/read me, bullshit...
We're living in the most exciting times, everything is changing, non-conformists cropping up all over the place, challenging the way we see the world, challenging the life we live, allowing us the possibility of peaking behind the veil...
Only by living on the outskirts of man made boxes are we able to see the possibilities that exist beyond the confines of our mind... Imagination, throwing caution to the wind, is our greatest ally... How can we expect to change the world if we see nothing wrong with it?:)
There is not a single soul on this planet that has more potential than you have to reach your dreams, there is no one more deserving than you to live the life you were meant to live... The difference between you and the people who are living their dream is that somewhere along the line they listened to similar advice to this, they decided to listen to their hearts and realise that in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think, as long as you're happy at the end of the day...
Some people cannot see beyond the limitations of "conformity", beyond the limitations of man made rules... The reason they refuse to see outside of their boxes is because of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of judgment... I think everyone deep down inside has a longing to break free... Most people are so utterly convinced by the way of the world that they are too scared to abandon those thoughts and ideas in pursuit of their truth...
While you stand here, as you stare fear in the face, as you contemplate all of the possibilities, all that could go wrong should you choose to follow your heart, think of this...
If you fear failure, like most of us do - wouldn't you rather risk failure in the pursuit of what you love? The risk of failure is always going to be there, no matter what steps you take to ensure success, life has a way of upsetting our plans... You are more likely to succeed in the life you were meant to live than in the world you've simply settled to stay in...
If you fear the unknown - look at every aspect of your life, everything that has gone right or wrong in your own opinion, how much of your life has been completely predictable? How many times has something happened that brought to light the fact that there are no guarantees? Hold on to that, accept the fact that you have no control, you do not know what life is going to throw at you, you only have the ability to choose resilience, or flight... There's tremendous freedom in knowing you have nothing to lose...
If you fear judgment - My initial thought is "Fuck 'em", but I will endeavour to be more eloquent than that... In what world, what lifetime, what ultimate universe is it acceptable for one being to judge another based on their own limited understandings and perceptions... We have different truths, different passions, different loves and above all else, every single one of us sees the world in a completely different light... People judge because they are afraid to take the risk themselves, they choose to lay blame and point out faults in your plan in order to placate their own souls inner turmoil...
Fear is one of our greatest inner demons, at least it has been mine... The greatest truth i've realised regarding this benevolent monster is this, Fear only gets the better of us when we're not aware of it... It's a silent killer, a bully lurking in the background, if you're able to see it coming, try and not deny it's existence but rather acknowledge it's presence, all the power fear has is stripped away...
Ultimately, you are created in a divine image... as Albert Einstein said - "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Stop judging yourself by your ability to climb the proverbial tree, stop believing that you are not good enough because you don't fit in any of the existing boxes, create your own box, find your inner genius and go and be that...
Go and be happy... Much love freaks...
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